Thank you for viewing our latest major community aid project for Tacloban, Philippines. Please unite with us as we embark on a new Philippines pilot project that will create change in the lives of 102 kids aged 3 & 4 years old, their families and build infrastructure that will benefit many more in the years to come. This project will compliment our other projects we are providing to the various communities of Tacloban including our ongoing swim school program. The latest swim school project to be delivered in October 2017 can be be found via the link below:-
Current Project 1: Tacloban Kids Swimming Lessons (October 2017)
A full 18 months in the making but with the wonderful assistance from our trusted Tacloban aid partner, Volunteer for the Visayans (VFV) & local community support in the Philippines, we are now in a position to continue with this project on an ongoing basis. This nutrition project is based in a Tacloban (small suburb) called Bliss. This is the same community that we call home when delivering most of Tacloban aid projects. We were informed at the beginning of 2016 that the young preschool kids that attended this center would often arrive without breakfast – what a handful these hungry little kids must be for the staff at the center. We worked hard with VFV to design a nutrition project that is now providing 102 young children with the right morning nutrition for the their growing bodies.
in September/October 2016, we built a kitchen area which is separate to the center to ensure the kids remain safe & meals can be prepared in relatively hygienic environment. This area at the side of center has a tiled floor, roof, built-in bench/sink and a cooking station on loan from VFV. Construction & painting of this kitchen area was completed just in time for us to personally prepare the first breakfast session in the third week of October 2016.
Like with most of our projects, we are looking for kind individuals & organisations to join us in the form of sponsorship on a “per child” basis. From only AU$1.00 per week, you could help one of these 102 kids to have a real opportunity to access a nutrious freshly cooked meal each day Monday to Friday.
Your AU$1.00 per child per week sponsorship will cover the cost of:-
- 5 freshly prepared lunch each school week.
- Cooking & serving utensils.
- Oral hygiene kit for each child comprising of a toothbrush (donated by VFV) & toothpaste for use at the center after their meals.
- LPG (gas) for the cooking station which is very generously on loan from Volunteer for the Visayans.
- Water for cooking, as there is currently no running water in the center.
- Regular individual weight & measurement assessments of the children by VFV staff and/or international volunteers.
- Daily volunteer assistance from the local parents to prepare the meals under the supervision of VFV.
Also like all of our previous projects, we are all donating our own personal time & rest assured that there will be no deductions for our own expenses or those of our kind Philippines aid partner VFV and their kind international volunteers. 100% of your kind sponsorship donation goes directly to the kids. Our only reward, and yours are the kids smiles & their sincere words of “thank you”.
To get involved & help us with this current project simply click here or on the photos below to be directed to our crowdfunding webpage. It is with your generous support that turned the 2016 life changing pilot program into a huge success for many young kids & their families.
Alternatively feel free to contact us directly if you wish to set-up a weekly direct deposit sponsorship arrangement & we will provide you with further direct payment details.
Salamat (Thank you)!
Facebook: UnitedAidProjects